A week or so ago I was catching up on some motivational videos that covered reviewing 2023 and planning for 2024 when the presenter talked about time in the chair and the correct position.

Time in the chair made complete sense. If I write on average 1,000 words an hour, then if I spend three hours “in the chair,” that’s 3,000 words. Of course that shouldn’t be a single three hour block. I’ve tried that and everything gets stiff, my eyes start to cross, and to be honest, I can’t focus on a story for that long. I know, I’ve tried and my brain turns to mush just as I start the third hour.

The key in this instance is to take a break every hour or so. I tried that this month and it really makes a difference. Even five minutes away from the desk helps reset your thoughts and lets you sit down again with fresh ideas.

It was the second comment – correct position – that initially confused me. Then, I listened and understood. Get a chair the right height for your desk. Sit straight, feet on the floor, knees at ninety degrees. Use a keyboard, don’t try and work across the trackpad on a laptop.

Full disclosure. I’m a bit of a sloucher in a chair, and no surprise, it makes my back sore. After listening to the video a second time, I changed how I sit at my desk. It felt strange at first, but after fifteen minutes or so, it felt more natural, and I seem to be getting more words written as well.

Sometimes we have to return to basics to move forward.