In 586BCE, the soldiers of the Babylonian Empire laid siege to Jerusalem and took the city. The deportations that followed sent thousands of middle class and educated Judeans across the desert to the cities of Erech, Ur, and Babylon itself.

Living on wits and his experiences in the Judean Army, Jacob navigates the tensions between his people, the Babylonians, their priests, and bandits.

Beginnings in Babylon – Available Now

A collection of Jacob and Miriam stories. Beginnings in Babylon is available from all retailers.

Thieves in the Temple – Available Now

As the Babylonians celebrate their New Year, Jacob uncovers a conspiracy threatening the freedom and lives of every one of the Exiles.

Uncertain who to trust Jacob unravels the threads of deceit into a compelling climax that saves not just the Exiles, but Jacob himself. 

If you love historical mysteries with a dash of romance, grab Thieves in the Temple  from your favorite retailer, or buy it Direct and use coupon code Summer21 for a 25% discount

Death at a Wedding – Coming Soon

An unexpected death makes Jacob reassess everything he believes. Are his friends truthful, or are darker forces at work in Babylon?

Pulling back the layers of lies and half-truths leads Jacob to a shocking last confrontation. 

If you love historical mysteries with a dash of romance, grab Death at a Wedding when it becomes available at Amazon, Apple, Kobo, and many other retailers.