The end of May saw some of the pandemic restrictions lifted here, and a gradual reopening of businesses. It has been interesting to see how different stores have approached precautions and distancing. Some are requiring masks and gloves, while others, notably the big home improvement stores, seem to have a more blase approach.

I had thought myself sheltered from the challenges of creativity I’ve seen many others writers write about during the lock down, but it all came to a head in May when the words just dried up. It wasn’t a block of any form. I knew what I wanted to write but it felt more comfortable to drift from one distraction to another. My daughter talks about having the attention span of a broken stapler, and that’s how May felt.

Some of that feeling has drifted over into June as well, but I think I see light at the end of the tunnel, and not just from the pandemic. We’ll see how it all looks when I write the June recap in a few weeks time.