I know we’re not quite at the end of April, but it seemed a good idea to put this together as I started some of my planning for May.

This week sees the publication of my second collection – A Frailty of Heroes, and I’ve worked out an efficient way to generate the covers etc. for paperbacks, so both Tales From the Puzzle Store, and A Frailty of Heroes will be out in paperback quite soon.

And Promise in the Gold, the anthology containing my story Searching for Dave is scheduled for release on May 4th.

It’s been a quiet writing month, but I did come across a note taking app called

I downloaded Obsidian just to look at, and after dabbling with it for an hour or so, browsed the forums. There’s quite an extensive section with discussions on knowledge management and Zettelkasten in particular. I’ve not mentioned Zettelkasten on this blog before. It’s a knowledge management system that’s intrigued me for some time but I’ve never quite grasped the concept.

I do now!

The phrasing in one of the articles just connected with the way my mind works and it all came together. I’ve got less than a hundred notes in the repository but I’m already seeing the potential. It’s certainly worth a look.

Now into May, and the next collection!