When I began jotting my thoughts down for 2023, one of the things that struck me was how similar the list was for 2022, and that made me pause.

A lot of the personal items were house maintenance projects, like replacing air-conditioning units. In 2022, they fell into the “nice to get to” category. For 2023, they’ve mostly moved into the “need to schedule” category.

From a writing perspective, that took a little more thought. As I mentioned my word count fell off a cliff in July and derailed my goals. There was also another factor in that the initial plan was to write mostly long fiction – more Jacob and Miriam stories, and a trilogy I’ve had rolling around in my head for a long time. Instead, I got distracted into short fiction, and short fiction I found hard. With the benefits of hindsight, I should have reviewed everything in the middle of the year, and reset. Easy to make these decision after the event.

Those thoughts coalesced around the same time I was reading some of Mark McGuinness’s work on being a 21st Century Creative, where he talks about a project focus rather than something more granular. The more I read, it became obvious I’ve let myself become too focused on the number of words written instead of the end product – a short story, novella, or novel. In 2023, I’m going to shift the emphasis. The writing plan, including keeping a more regular schedule with this blog, is to complete six projects in 2023. I’ll still track word count, and if I succeed, it will be about double the actual words for this year, and end up about 60% of what I planned for 2022.

And the projects? I know the first one, and have already made a start. There are placeholders for the rest, but they aren’t cast in stone.

I’ll let you know how it goes , and in the meantime, I hope everyone has a safe and prosperous New Year.