November could easily be a cut-and-paste from the October recap because most of it was spent on the edits to Thieves in the Temple, which went on sale on Amazon, Kobo, Apple etc., on December 5th

I added a couple of chapters, and combined a couple more and by the time I finished the last read through, I think I could probably read the story aloud from memory.

One of the most valuable tools during this editing exercise, apart from the inevitable editorial red pen has been the application Pro-Writing Aid. It does a much better job of spell-checking than Word, and also flags the correct spellings in the wrong context – form instead of from – that sort of thing.

Most importantly for me though is the long term block I have when it comes to using commas. No matter how much I study the rules and correct application, they still appear in the wrong place. Pro-Writing Aid is excellent for catching those mistakes. A word to the wise, though. Word has a different view on the correct application of commas, and will “argue” with the changes you make in Pro-Writing Aid.

November finished up with a lot of thought about what comes after Thieves in the Temple. If you’ve browsed the rest of this site, you’ll have an idea :). The next novel is Death at a Wedding, and that will be followed by Murder of a Dead Man

I’ll keep you posted on progress