September is usually quite eventful with family birthdays at the beginning and end of the month.

As I look back though, nothing really stands out as memorable. Yes, there were things that happened: we went away for a few days at the beginning of September, and I managed to get the copies of Alfred Hitchcock’s Magazine featuring my story Family Harmony ready to send back to family in England, but of course that got delayed until October!

The rest of the month just seems to be a blur, and while I’m sure Covid played a part in that, I don’t know why didn’t it affect me so much in July or August. 

One suggestion from a friend, was that having pushed to finish Thieves in the Temple by the end of August and get it to the editor I was in what they called a recharge period. It’s not that I didn’t write anything. I did, and the stories are very different from Jacob and Miriam, but maybe that’s what was meant.

For various reasons, Thieves didn’t come back from the editor until the end of September. More on that in a future post, meanwhile it’s back to tightening up the story, and making sure Thieves stands alone and isn’t dependent on having read the short stories.