Like almost everyone else, we’ve been under a stay-at-home order, although that’s being eased a little as we move into May.

As someone who normally works from home, I think my biggest challenge has been, that even though some restaurants are open for delivery and take-out, I have missed the ability to get out of the house to eat in a restaurant.

On a positive note, Iast weekend was story fifty-two. One full year of writing a short story a week. I’m several hundred words into a story for this week, although with no clear idea where it’s going. That isn’t unusual, and I’ve learned not to let it worry me. I know there will be an ending, I just haven’t found it yet.

While the longer fiction is coming along, it’s not making the same progress as the short stories. I’ve thought about the reasons for that, and have some ideas to address it during May. Some of those ideas come from the book Deep Work by Cal Newport. His comments about our technological age, and the ease with which we can become distracted, definitely struck a chord with me. I’m still working through the book, but it’s worth looking at.

I’ll report back at the end of May, because I’ve only got about 25,000 words to go. Maybe by the end of May, I’ll have a finished manuscript!