As I mentioned last week, February was a bit of a mixed month. I did complete and submit my short story a week. so that’s four more in inventory. Mostly I got the stories in with some time to spare.

This past weekend though, I was definitely leveraging the time difference from Central to Pacific to make that midnight (Pacific) deadline. That was partly my own fault as I was well into the story on Thursday until I realized I was telling the story of a secondary character, but through the eyes of my viewpoint character.

Talk about draining the energy out of the story.

So on Friday morning it was back to the drawing board and redrafting just over 2,000 words so they’re from the new viewpoint, and much closer to the action. I think it worked better.

There wasn’t such good progress on the novel. That seems to have stalled a little at the moment, but I did go through what I’ve already written and tidied up the timeline. I also rethought some of the scenes and moved them around so the overall timeline is reduced by a day. Poor Jacob will be run ragged by the end 🙂

No real progress on getting more of my short story backlog up onto Amazon, Kobo, and Apple although I finally got Angels Without Faces up on the iBooks store. And wasn’t that a challenge! Sign this, acknowledge that, and approve something else. Then you have to download the iTunes Producer app, load the manuscript into Producer, and then submit to Apple.

I think there might be a market for a workbook to help folks through that process. I put it on the “Projects to think about” list and will come back to it.

March has started well, so fingers crossed it stays that way!