2019 was definitely a year of change, although like many times of change, you don’t always see that when you’re in the middle of it. The biggest change as our move to Alabama from Florida, which raised some eyebrows and comments along the lines of “wrong way!” However, as parents age and need closer care and attention, it was clearly the right way!

I’d like to say the move didn’t impact my writing, but just looking back at my daily log tells the truth – barely 11,000 words in total for February and March, and then the Mystery Workshop in Las Vegas where I wrote 13,000 words in five days. So where did the year end up?

  • Two stories accepted for publication – both Babylon mysteries
  • Forty short stories completed
  • A total of 213,000 words written, almost double the number of 2018

What I didn’t get done was finishing the Babylon novel, or putting any of those stories up for sale. That probably gives you a glimpse of my plans for 2020, but more on that next week.